The Information Technology (IT) sector has witnessed remarkable growth across various industries in recent years. Banking, money transfers, and mail services have all been revolutionized by IT development, elevating these services to new heights. In fact, few sectors of today's economies have remained untouched by the transformative impact of IT development. Consider mobile phones, which were once exclusive to the privileged few in the early 2000s but are now ubiquitous, used by almost everyone.

The advancements in information technology have also had a profound effect on Africa's technology landscape. Gone are the days when landlines were the only available means of communication. Landline usage has declined significantly as consumers have enthusiastically embraced mobile phones. Similarly, fixed wireless lines, commonly known as CDMA, have witnessed a steady decline as consumers now prefer GPS-enabled cell phones.

IT development has also led to a decline in the use of traditional mail services. Faster and more reliable mail systems have replaced traditional mail, with electronic mail (e-mail) and text messages leading the way. The rapid growth of social mail on mobile phones indicates that traditional mail, often referred to as "snail mail," will continue to dwindle as more modern and efficient platforms gain popularity.

Loop operators, companies licensed to provide telecommunications solutions encompassing voice and data services, have not been immune to the vast impact of IT development. Many of these loop operators are facing challenges in growing their businesses. With internet access available on handsets, satellite subscriptions are dwindling, and cyber cafes are struggling to stay afloat. The once lucrative business of opening a cyber cafe is no longer as promising as before.

The increased use of cell phones can be attributed to innovative handsets, user-friendly tariff plans offered by mobile service providers, and affordable mobile phone deals. Today, mobile phones are utilized for a wide range of transactions that were previously unimaginable. They can be used for making payments, transferring money, and topping up credits. Employers can even utilize mobile phones to pay their employees' salaries. In Kenya, IT development has led to the integration of mobile phones into the banking sector, enabling convenient and secure mobile banking services.

The landscape of information technology development continues to reshape various sectors, bringing about convenience, efficiency, and accessibility. As technology advances further, the possibilities for transformative growth are endless, promising a future where connectivity and digital solutions drive progress and empowerment across industries and regions.